How to Stay Fit at Work – 4 Simple Fitness Tips
Being confined to a desk for hours every day doesn’t have to be so sedentary. Besides cramming quick gym sessions into lunch breaks, there are plenty of other easy ways to focus on fitness during office hours. If you’re wondering how to stay fit at work, here are 4 simple steps to boost your workout regime while on the clock.
1. Take the stairs
If you work on an upper floor of an office building, shun the lift and take the stairs instead. Obviously there needs to be a line drawn somewhere if you work on the 50th floor! In this case, get off a few floors early and walk the rest of the way. Walking up and down a few blocks of stairs several times a day can easily equate to a decent session on the stair master by the end of play. You’ll have buns of steel in no time!
2. Enjoy a lunch break wander
Never underestimate the power of a simple walk. Even if 20 minutes per day is all you have time for, getting into the habit of a daily lunchtime wander will improve your wellbeing as well as your level of fitness. While many workplaces nowadays provide endless amenities to entice you to stay within the building, stretching your legs and getting some fresh air away from the office allows for a refreshing break to truly recharge your batteries while burning off some extra calories. Just make sure the walk in question isn’t towards that tempting donut shop!
3. Carry out discreet desk exercises
There are certain exercises that can be carried out inconspicuously at your desk. The simplest one is to lift your feet up slightly off the ground at regular intervals, holding for at least 10 seconds each time. This easy move is great for your core strength and particularly targets the quads, buttocks and lower stomach. Make sure to keep your back straight to avoid injury. Hold onto the edge of the seat for support if necessary. If you’ve got the under-desk space, extend your legs out in front as you lift as well to work your upper abdominals. Lifting up onto the balls of your feet and back down again is a brilliant way to work your calf muscles.
4. Start an office sports team
Improve staff morale and get fit by instigating the creation of an office sports team. Whether you’re thinking football, netball, basketball or something a bit crazy like dodgeball, this is a fun way to introduce an element of fitness to your workplace and improve relationships with colleagues. Plus, your manager is likely to love the idea of promoting such a positive team building exercise so you could even swindle some extra time during working hours for practicing. You could compete against other office teams in monthly or quarterly tournaments.
Do you try to work out at work? Do you have any more office fitness tips to add?